Bible Study Booklets

Client: Women in the Marketplace Ministry  Challenge: Women in the Workplace MInistry needed a notebook to accompany their bible study program that included space for attendees to take notes as …

Community Impact Report

Client: Easterseals of Greater Cincinnati Challenge: Design a digital version of Easterseals’ Community Impact Report. Evolution’s Creative Solution: Using copy, images, and branding standards from Easterseals, we designed and created …

Nurture Winter Magazine

Client: Family Nurturing Center Challenge: Print and mail Nurturer Winter Magazine. Evolution’s Creative Solution: We worked with Family Nurturing Center’s designer to create a glossy publication. In addition to printing …

Summer Camp Guide

Client: Kids First Sports Center Challenge: Kids First wanted to create an engaging, glossy magazine to promote its summercamp events. Evolution’s Creative Solution: The Kids First magazine was used as …